JOY2SNG - Someone in Georgia likes to belt it out.
AURATIO - Sounds like Horatio to me - or an aura? I don't know.
SMADSN - No idea what this is supposed to mean.
YLAYUP - Play up?
RD2 - Clearly someone who likes to ride bicycles.
FREEDOM - Georgia doesn't require front plates so people have fake plates on the front. This is one of them.
ALASKA - Another fake front plate.
ESR - Sports reference?
KENYA 92 - Someone went to Kenya in 1992? Or came to the US from Kenya in 1992?
RUSH 2 - Where are you rushing to? Or did you like Rush Hour 2?
YAMUNA 2 - Your money too?
WYNTER7 - Seventh winter of your life?
SCHMIDY - Going for Schmitty, maybe?