Friday, August 8, 2008

It's WorldCon

WorldCon is being held in Denver this year. Here are the geeky plates I've seen:

BOBA FET - The meaning comes through clearly.

FIAWOL - Fandom is a way of life.

FILK (New Hampshire) - SF/F music

FILK (Virginia) - Not just listened to in NH

VAMPIRE - Frankly, I'm not sure blatant advertising is a good way to avoid getting staked...


Unknown said...

Hi Laura

I am from Canada and here people really like to personalize their plates...:)
There just a recommendation for your Friday post:


Unknown said...

I guess the link was too long.
You can try this one:

LKW said...

Thanks, Sorin - sorry it took me so long to post this, but I'm going to start the blog again.

LKW said...

Give me a link to your blog if you want credit - you have it blocked.